Saturday, November 21, 2009

Bailouts LARCENY explained: Congressman DeFazio explains Treasury Sec. Geithner's 100% PAYOUT for Goldman Sachs' "NAKED SHORTING" pure gambling losses...

Congressman DeFazio reluctantly explains:  so-called "Democratic"  Treasury  Secretary Tim Geithner made GoldmanSachs'   PURE  DERIVATE GAMBLING LOSES  whole - dollar-for-dollar, at 100% of losses - BILLIONS of dollars directly extorted from taxpayers, as "Bailouts," with NO OVERSIGHT, explanation, or even a lousy receipt!

Democratic Congressman DeFazio reluctantly explains: The Obama White House, and specifically Obama's Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, have REWARDED Obama campaign donor mega-hedge-fund GOLDMAN SACHS, with 100% on the dollar, for Goldman's "NAKED SHORTING" stock & derivatives trades; "Naked shorts" are market terms for PURE GAMBLING, a broker or hedge-fund purchases options or derivatives, HOPING a company that THEY OWN _NO_ stock in, will GO DOWN in price - this is PURE CASINO GAMBLING, defined, on a BILLIONS of dollars scale, without the cocktail waitresses and casino decor.
(If the embed video doesn't work, try this link)

 Sad to say,  PURE "BAILOUTS" FRAUD is an INFINTE OCEAN of  both Republican AND   Democrat  enabled fraud, lies, deceit, and OUTRIGHT THEFT from American consumers, investors, and  taxpayers in the finanical markets;   as we will document with comments from both the normally "conservative" financial community, "liberal" Democratic sites,  and "mainstream media" sites such as our above embedded video. 
 Sadly, there is much, much more to come, in documenting the PURE LARCENY of the Bush/Paulson/Obama/Geithner   "bailouts" to corrupt, failed, and MORALLY BANKRUPT mega-banks and hedge-funds.

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