ht Max Keiser, via JessesCrossRoadsCafe -
- the Obama/Emanuel/Bush/Paulson/Bernanke/Geithner "BAILOUTS," FAR from "STABILIZING" the Big Banks, have seen them not only HIDE __TWO HUNDRED TRILLION dollars__ in "DERIVATIVES"
(the "credit default swaps" and "mortgage backed securities" and "collateralized debt obligations" we have so come to know, hate, fear, dread, & despise)
but, primed to get back to their "loot, plunder, & swindle" ways by the ABJECT CORRUPTION and FRAUD of Team Obama and the cowed, captive, complicit, insanely corrupt Lieberman/Baucus/Landrieu/Lincoln/Nelson, et al Congressional "Democrats,"
(don't forget, the INSANELY CORRUPT Congress, BOTH Demorats and Rethuglicans, STILL _REFUSE_ to tell us exactly how much they have GIVEN AWAY of _our_ taxpayer dollars in total "bailouts," buy-downs, default backings; etc. - you have to look these subjects up on your own!)
the BIG FIVE banksters are STILL ADDING TO their economy-crushing __trillions! $$__ in Derivatives speculations!!
PRAISE JESUS! and please PASS THE BEGGING BOWL for us poor, laid-off, fired, pensions looted, home-values smashed, unemployment & food stamps expired' health-care denied, jobs outsourced; ignorant, ignoramus, ingrate, INSOLENT, taxed-to-death (or work-the-fields-till-you-die) slaves & peons....
Comptroller of the Currency
Administrator of National Banks
Washington, DC 20219
OCC’s Quarterly Report on Bank Trading and Derivatives Activities
Second Quarter 2009
Executive Summary
• The notional value of derivatives held by U.S. commercial banks increased $1.5 trillion in the second quarter, or 0.7%, to $203.5 trillion.
• U.S. commercial banks reported revenues of $5.2 billion trading cash and derivative instruments in the
second quarter of 2009, compared to a record $9.8 billion in the first quarter.
• Net current credit exposure decreased 20% to $555 billion.
• Derivative contracts remain concentrated in interest rate products, which comprise 85% of total
derivative notional values. The notional value of credit derivative contracts decreased by 8% during the
quarter to $13.4 trillion.
Wall Street & Government: A Partnership That Will Continue Until Collapse
November 21st, 2009 by stacyherbert
Stacy Summary: From what I can tell from history, the mightiest and most powerful seldom change, adapt and progress, they collapse. The US empire has Big Finance, Big Agra, Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Copyright and Very Big Military; through a combination of legislation, finance and military, competition to any of these American Bigs is either contained, co-opted or destroyed.
No matter how powerful they seem at the moment, however, history shows that inevitably the bloat, the corruption and the absence of progress lead to eventual collapse because barbarians have been at the gate for 5000 years. There are plenty barbarians waiting at the gate of this collapse:
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